Black Obsidian

Thanks to its black color and overall luster, Obsidian is a crystal that is very evocative and mysterious. However, as with many black crystals, the principle energies at work in this stone are protective ones.

If you often feel bowled over by the strong personalities of others, or otherwise have a difficult time overcoming boisterous people, this crystal can not only keep you safe, but also help you to speak your mind. However, Obsidian is also a stone of self reflection, and it will coax you to examine and work on the imperfections within you that you’d otherwise not face up to.


Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings and is strongly connected to the moon and helps connect you to your intuition and female energy. Moonstone is uplifting and calming, it enhances psychic ability and calms reactions, aiding in self analysis.. With its creamy appearance and its otherworldly texture, Moonstone is a crystal that has often been sought by those looking to expand their visions beyond what’s possible on this world alone. In tarot and astrology, the moon is associated with secret feelings and hidden intentions, although not necessarily cruel ones – and the same is often true of this crystal.

Moonstone is especially good for healing rifts in romance, and also encouraging new lovers to open their heart to one another. Moonstone can promote calmness and serenity to a worried couple, but also illuminate any flaws that are preventing a romance from working out.

Rose Quartz

Unconditional love knows no limits, as Rose Quartz and its energies know all too well. This crystal is not only symbolic of romance, but also the love of family, of one’s career, or even love of life itself. If you’ve been feeling down of late, this influence is very much appreciated! This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out. Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, infinite peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationships and teaches us about the true essence of love. It purifies and opens up the heart allowing us to express our emotions. It reduces stress and tension, allowing us to express love, sensitivity and compassion towards ourselves and others. Rose Quartz brings a deep inner healing, enhancing self love, self trust, self worth and self confidence. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships.

Lapis Lazuli

Stone Effects:

The high vibrations of Lapis Lazuli make it a crystal that is very appealing to anyone wanting to fast track their spiritual growth. Of course, there are no real shortcuts to enlightenment, but there are certainly ways to boost your receptiveness to divine guidance, and this stone is one such way.

This crystal promotes a clear mind, as well as openness and honesty in your communication. It helps you to connect higher ideas and thoughts with more mundane principles of living, and see your physical and spiritual selves as two halves of the same whole.


Stone Effects:

Fluorite promotes focus, intuition and understanding. It helps to bring chaos into order, promoting stability, free thinking and clear unbiased reasoning. Fluorite is excellent for the advancement of the mind, aiding in meditation and inter dimensional communication. It is a highly protective stone, especially on a psychic level and from outside influences. Fluorite draws away negative energy and stress, cleansing and purifying the body.The striking colors of Fluorite make it a popular stone in its own right, but it’s the relaxing properties of this stone that have made it so consistently popular with stress and anxiety seemingly always on the rise, this crystal is a welcome soothing balm to the soul.


Despite its perhaps provocative name, Bloodstone is very much on your side, as you’ll discover if you start working with it for crystal healing. It can help to alleviate all kinds of physical pain and injuries, as well as enhance effective circulation of both the bloodstream and your spirit body’s energy centers.

They inspire courage to help one stay true to his or her personal spiritual beliefs but keep one well-grounded in reality. Bloodstone will enhance insights, inspire intuitiveness and impart a more transcendent understanding of one’s spiritual beliefs, the universe and the divine. It encourages sacrifice for the benefit of others and one’s self, inspiring a more altruistic state of mind.

Bloodstone is very protective of the soul, keeping one safe while exploring and strengthening spirituality. It inspires confidence in one’s beliefs by removing any sense of confusion or uncertainty.


Stone Effects:

As far as transformation goes in life, it’s usually either an ambition of ours, or the events of life forcing change upon us – sometimes with or without our approval! Yet in the case of Chrysocolla, you’ll find that you’re able to inspire positive change in your life with divine guidance.

This crystal and its rich earth colors also connects you wonderfully to the natural world. Just as the seasons roll in cycles, you’ll also see the cycles in your own life for what they are – and feel empowering to nurture or break off those cycles according to your needs, too.


Stone Effects:

Called the “Stone of Successful Love,” Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love.


Stone Effects:

Although it may seem a simple pale green stone at first appearance, Chrysoprase has a lot of hidden depths. In fact, it could be said that this is one crystal that’s ideal for getting to the bottom of some of yours, too,It helps you overcome compulsive and impulsive behaviours.

Chrysoprase helps you accept yourself as you are and doesn’t judge others, It helps you feel forgiveness and compassion,this stone soothes heartache and loneliness. It promotes emotional balance and helps in conflict resolution, encourages inner peace and inner strength when facing real emotions. Chrysoprase helps you to open and heal old emotional wounds, grief and trauma. This stone reduces fear and replaces it with unconditional love.

This is a stone of truth and illumination, meaning that not only will you see behind the lies of other people, but also stop kidding yourself in certain areas of life too. And thanks to the strong themes of forgiveness and love that run through this crystal’s energies, it’s wonderful for healing and overcoming difficulties.


Stone Effects:

Aventurine is a crystal that’s closely connected to the heart chakra and that’s where a lot of old sayings about following one’s heart are born. Yet in keeping with the adventurous sounding nature of this crystal’s name, these energies inspire you to follow your heart with daring!

There’s a sense of playful risk taking involved with Aventurine. Many have dubbed it the Gambler’s Stone, believing that it connects you to good fortune and lucky streaks. While belief in luck differs from one person to the next, a little extra good fortune coming one’s way hardly hurts!