
Shattuckite is a stone that can help you process spiritual information, enhance your general well-being, and work on your inner strength.

It’s a very spiritual stone that is closely connected with psychic information and clarity. It also has strong protective powers that can guard you against physical or psychic harm. It’s a strong psychic communication stone that can build a powerful connection between you and your spirit guides, as well as your loved ones who have passed away.

It can help you establish peaceful, loving, and harmonious relationships. Shattuckite will work like a sounding board. You can tell this stone everything that’s bother you or worrying you. It will enlighten your mind and help you come to the right decision.

This stone will influence you to speak from the heart. No need to hide what you’re feeling because it will manifest in your words, thoughts, and actions, anyway. It can bring courage and inner strength


Atlantisite is a composition of purple stichtite in yellow/green serpentine. At this time Atlantisite is commercially mined only in Australia. Atlantisite is a useful earth healer, bringing peace into the environment and when buried in the earth, undertakes earth clearing and energy restructuring in places where there has been death and destruction.

Atlantisite lowers stress levels and encourages thinking before speaking. It is an effective harmoniser of disputes. ​​It helps you to a higher awareness of all your emotions good and bad. This stone will bring joy into your physical existence and helps to strengthen your feelings of love, compassion and caring for yourself and others.

Atlantisite helps to clean emotional immaturity and helps to attract love, over and above money. It encourages you to make real promises, reconnecting to your ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete projects set in motion at that time. It also encourages you to be true to your word, to keep an open mind.


Variscite is an excellent stone to use because of its soothing and clarifying properties. It will stimulate healing on both the physical and light body.

It has the ability to align and balance your connection to your body, mind, and spirit, and will show you how you can harness your personal power by focusing on your strengths, and by turning your weaknesses into more strengths! this stone will help you get rid of bad habits. It will make you accept certain difficult truths about yourself so that you can achieve complete healing and transformation.

People will disappoint you and hurt you, and when they do, you have nothing to worry about because you know that you can manage. You possess courage and inner strength.,this stone will make sure that you know.

It will promote fearlessness, endurance, and power. You will have a live and let live attitude.


Stone Effects:

Kunzites loving energies supports the health of your physical heart as well as your general health. With this stone in hand, imagine love vibrating in every cell, bone and muscle in your physical body. This practice amplifies the level of healing for yourself and others. Kunzite helps relieve stress related diseases. Kunzite helps you attract healthy romantic relationships as well as supportive loving friendships and good business colleagues. It encourages kindness, compassion and tolerance. Kunzite relieves stress and worry and helps relieve depression and anxiety. Use kunzite when you need to discover how to nurture yourself. This is the perfect stone to help you realise how you want to be loved and how to nurture yourself. When you learn these two things, you begin to attract others who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. Kunzite assists you in releasing resistance to life, and helps you to become more receptive to experience love and energy.

Indonesian Bumblebee

Bumble Bee Jasper is one of the most unusual and beautiful looking stones you can find in our world.

A highly unique and hard to come by stone, Bumble Bee Jasper is a metaphysical stone with great hidden powers and potential. It gets its name courtesy the alluring pattern that can be found on it, this pattern is identical to the pattern that can be found on bumblebees.

Bumble Bee Jasper will enable you to become much more susceptible to change and new surroundings. This will help you break away from your comfort zone and explore avenues that you previously wouldn’t have and you never know, one of these avenues might just change your life! If you’ve found yourself become a victim of unusual circumstances then you can use this stone to help rectify all such situations. It can help give you an ego boost and help highlight your individuality so that you may start seeing yourself in a whole different light.


Herkimer Diamond

A Herkimer diamond is a beautiful double terminated quartz crystal that can be found in Herkimer village, New York.

You may not believe this, but this gemstone is almost five hundred million years old! It’s not actually a real diamond, but it resembles it because of its clarity and magnificent geometrical shape.The Herkimer diamond is also known as the Stone of Attunement because it can help you attune to any situation or environment.

It can give you a sense of peace and serenity in this loud and crazy world. It will encourage you to do more of the things that make you feel alive, young, light, and free. It will clear the blockages in your aura so that the positive energies will start to flow in. Balancing body, mind and spirit so beautifully is definitely one of the greatest gifts of the Herkimer diamond.

Aqua Aura Quartz

When you first lay eyes on the aqua aura quartz, you cannot help but be enchanted by its shimmering iridescence.

Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success. If you have always found it a struggle to verbalize your thoughts, or to speak up when the opportunity is right there in front of you, aqua aura quartz can help you communicate effectively. It will give you the inner truth that you seek. Some people spend a lifetime coasting through their lives, wondering about truths about themselves but never having the courage to uncover them.

Aqua aura quartz can help you access the truth of your emotions. It can also help balance emotional extremes, making sure that your emotions are aligned and cleared.

Aqua/Blue Chalcedony

Chalcedony will allow you to turn your focus to the spiritual world without losing your objective or your positive look at the future. It will strengthen your ability to make positive changes in your life.

This stone will bring your body, mind, thoughts, and feelings in harmony with your spirit. When you work with the energies of Chalcedony, you will have more positivity in your heart, mind, and soul. The calming and stabilizing energies of Chalcedony will increase your mental abilities and your inner peace. There will also be more emotional honesty and emotional healing.

Blue chalcedony elicits the soothing energy of a peaceful lake. Use this stone to help turn off the incessant chatter going on in your mind. Breathe deeply and relax. The calming vibration of this stone slows inner talk, assisting you in sorting out the many mental images and conversations going on inside. Blue chalcedony is the reality factor, replacing illusions and vague promises with practical plans and realistic timetables for any joint or collective venture, whether at home or work


Stone Effects:

Tanzanite will help you get to know yourself on a deeper level. It will allow you to discover the depth of your existence and break away from the mold. This will promote a strong sense of self-control.

Tanzanite will support you in looking beyond the limitations and boundaries to truly answer the call of your heart. This stone will also encourage you to harness your inner strength. It will promote stillness, and it will help you undergo a purification of sorts. It’s a stone that will align the heart and the mind. Tanzanite will make a harmonious connection between what your heart desires and what your mind wants to achieve. All your bad experiences can still be good experiences when you look at them from a different light.

Lemurian Seed

Stone Effects:

Leumarian Seeded crystals are said to have been used in the ancient culture of Leumaria, holding ancient knowledge and wisdom from the past bringing it into the present to awaken our spirit. Leumarians hold a blessing of unconditional love as the earth enters into a new vibration, they show us how to move beyond boundaries and learn about ourselves from the past, reawakening the spirit and giving us self belief so that we can reach our full potential. They are excellent healers, used for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal holds and transmits a very special kind of vibration. It’s believed to be sent to Earth by the High Priestesses of Lemuria, the lost and sacred land which existed millions of years ago. There’s no physical proof that such a land existed, but the legends remain that their civilization was for more advanced, and the Lemurians possessed a much higher consciousness.