Abalone Shell

Alongside its wonderful ocean like colors, Abalone Shell is a protective stone, not least since it serves this same literal function in nature. At times when your confidence seems to abandon you, or you feel unsafe, reach to your Abalone Shell for comfort and guidance.

This makes this stone a popular one in overcoming anxiety, but also in staying true to oneself – especially in matters of the heart. If you sometimes find that fear and self sabotage is getting in the way of your relationships, this might be the stone for you.


A soothing and calming stone, agate works slowly but brings great strength. Useful for any kind of emotional trauma. Creates a sense of safety by dissolving abilities, leading to practical solutions.

Agates love of truthfulness encourages speaking one’s own truth and helps with overcoming negativity and bitterness of the heart


Stone Effects:

An inspirational stone that lights the way to achieving goals. Clears confusion, cleanses the aura and increases creativity, motivation and personal power. The Stone of hope, Amazonite helps filter outside information through the use of Intuition. Amazonite encourages faith, enhances male qualities and physical strength, there’s an abundant level of love and healing energy in Amazonite that can help to break cycles of negative thoughts you might be experiencing in your life. In especially pronounced cases, Amazonite can even help to expose and break through karmic patterns held over from prior incarnations and lifetimes.

Amazonite is often seen as a stone of bravery – apt perhaps, when one considered Amazonian warriors! It can awaken you to your own courage, and help you to take a stand assertively but compassionately when shattering the illusions that keep you living the same mistakes over and over.


While Amber is often regarded as a gemstone, it’s not actually what you can call a stone. That’s because Amber is just a fossilized resin from ancient evergreen trees. Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser that draws disease from the body and promotes tissue revitalization and it imbues the body with vitality.
By absorbing pain and negative energy, Amber allows the body to re-balance and heal itself

Ambers warm, bright energies translate into a sunny, spontaneous disposition that nevertheless respects tradition.
It can help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. ​Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. Amber promotes altruism and brings wisdom. ​
It brings balance and patience and encourages decision making and is a useful memory aid. It assists you in finding purpose and strength, by taking action to evolve your reality toward higher consciousness.
Its flexibility dissolves opposition. The most attractive quality of amber is that it possesses very old energy. With this old energy comes the acquired wisdom of the earth!


Stone Effects:

Amethyst healing properties include stress relief, treating insomnia and relieving the pain of headaches. This crystal attracts positive energy while ridding your body of any negative emotions – feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, depression and more.

Amethyst crystals are exceptional for providing spiritual protection, inner strength and clarity of mind, making them a classic meditation tool and great for boosting creativity. Meditating with Amethyst can help you still your thoughts and become more in tune with your feelings.


Ametrine powerfully combines the qualities of both Amethyst and Citrine creating a stone of optimism. Its high energy balances out stress, tension and emotional blockages to help harmonise and heal the body, creating a feeling of well-being. Ametrine connects the physical realm with the higher consciousness, it facilitates and protects during astral travel and brings greater focus to meditation. It enhances compatibility and acceptance of others and shows where everyone is linked, overcoming prejudice. This is an extremely energetic stone, it stimulates creativity and supports taking control of your own life. Ametrine is a stone that can overcome apparent contradictions, promoting optimism and a well being that is not disrupted by stressful external influences. Ametrine can assist you in overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination. It is excellent for people who are easily swayed by others, as it helps them develop a strong sense of their own power and potential.


now extinct, the ammonite mollusc was a shelled cephalopod, usually appearing in a coiled, spiral shape. The extinction of ammonites coincided with the extinction of dinosaurs. Ammonites inhabited the world’s oceans and now appear as fossils in marine rocks. Because of their rapid evolution and wide distribution, ammonite fossils provide a useful tool for indexing and dating rocks. It is said that the original discus used by the ancient Greeks in their Olympics was in fact a fossilised ammonite. In India, ammonite fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in various ceremonies. They are mostly collected in Nepal, from the bed of the River Gandaki where it cuts through Jurassic sediments. These fossils are known as “shaligram shila”. The word ammonite is derived from Ammon, an Egyptian god who took the form of a ram. Ammonites are similar in appearance to a ram’s horn. Ammonite will bring about a circulation of energy, making you feel more stable, protected, and grounded in your life. It will also do the same to any space that this stone is placed.
Ammonite’s energies will provide you with a kind of stability that’s dynamic.


Stone Effects:

Angelite is the stone of Awareness. It helps with clear, compassionate and truthful communication. Angelite will help you speak your truth and help you to be more compassionate & accepting. It also helps facilitate contact with the angelic realm while helping you maintain contact with everyday reality. Angelite is an incredibly effective stone for developing your spirituality which is something that many people struggle with in our modern society.

By helping you “tap into the energy lines of the universe, Angelite will improve your ability to engage with others and develop healthy communications with them. Angelite is associated with the wind and brings the energies of power, healing, love, and protection.

Wearing this stone is believed to have a calming effect on you and connect you easily to your spirit guides and guardian angels.


An inspirational stone that lights the way to achieving goals. Clears confusion, cleanses the aura and increases creativity, motivation and personal power.

Ambition and a sense of enthusiasm about life all get amplified when the energies of Apatite are let into your life. This stone has a wonderful color that enhances clarity in your mind, too, and it can be fascinating to sit with a piece and look at the patterns formed in its natural makeup.

Apatite is seen as a good stone for creative thinking, meaning it’s not only good for those who work in media and the arts, but also that it unlocks new out of the box thinking for scientists and business minded people. This is a versatile stone, with plenty to offer all areas of life.


Stone Effects:

Apophyllite is good for travel, truth, and brainpower. The crystal’s physical benefits include a goodness for sight and aids in rejuvenation of the body. Emotionally, it’s good for reflection and clairvoyance. Apophyllite helps you connect to spirit and maintain a meditative state after meditation. Keeping a few Apophyllites around create an atmosphere of attunement in any environment, notably at home, at work, or in any area that embodies focus and understanding. Apophyllite brings you joy in every aspect of living. This is a calming stone that promotes confidence and trust in life and living.
Apophyllite lends a sweet, hopeful and growing energy to your emotional body.  This stone can help you overcome cynicism as you rediscover the childlike joy and wonder of simply being alive on Earth.

Aqua Aura Quartz

When you first lay eyes on the aqua aura quartz, you cannot help but be enchanted by its shimmering iridescence.

Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success. If you have always found it a struggle to verbalize your thoughts, or to speak up when the opportunity is right there in front of you, aqua aura quartz can help you communicate effectively. It will give you the inner truth that you seek. Some people spend a lifetime coasting through their lives, wondering about truths about themselves but never having the courage to uncover them.

Aqua aura quartz can help you access the truth of your emotions. It can also help balance emotional extremes, making sure that your emotions are aligned and cleared.

Aqua/Blue Chalcedony

Chalcedony will allow you to turn your focus to the spiritual world without losing your objective or your positive look at the future. It will strengthen your ability to make positive changes in your life.

This stone will bring your body, mind, thoughts, and feelings in harmony with your spirit. When you work with the energies of Chalcedony, you will have more positivity in your heart, mind, and soul. The calming and stabilizing energies of Chalcedony will increase your mental abilities and your inner peace. There will also be more emotional honesty and emotional healing.

Blue chalcedony elicits the soothing energy of a peaceful lake. Use this stone to help turn off the incessant chatter going on in your mind. Breathe deeply and relax. The calming vibration of this stone slows inner talk, assisting you in sorting out the many mental images and conversations going on inside. Blue chalcedony is the reality factor, replacing illusions and vague promises with practical plans and realistic timetables for any joint or collective venture, whether at home or work


Stone Effects:

Encourages being true to the self, trust in the universe, and letting go. Helps to heighten your courage when you are headling grief and is powerful with assisting self-healing. Signifies friendship. Aquamarine purifies the body and enhances clarity of mind with its gentle and compassionate energy. It helps bring closure to unresolved situations. It is especially good for sensitive people promoting self courage, elevating fears and phobias. Aquamarine is an excellent stone for meditation, calming and balancing the physical, emotional and mental aspects. Aquamarine encourages light heartedness and a happy, relaxed disposition, which is due to all that you undertake developing quickly and smoothly.


Atlantisite is a composition of purple stichtite in yellow/green serpentine. At this time Atlantisite is commercially mined only in Australia. Atlantisite is a useful earth healer, bringing peace into the environment and when buried in the earth, undertakes earth clearing and energy restructuring in places where there has been death and destruction.

Atlantisite lowers stress levels and encourages thinking before speaking. It is an effective harmoniser of disputes. ​​It helps you to a higher awareness of all your emotions good and bad. This stone will bring joy into your physical existence and helps to strengthen your feelings of love, compassion and caring for yourself and others.

Atlantisite helps to clean emotional immaturity and helps to attract love, over and above money. It encourages you to make real promises, reconnecting to your ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete projects set in motion at that time. It also encourages you to be true to your word, to keep an open mind.


Stone Effects:

Aventurine is a crystal that’s closely connected to the heart chakra and that’s where a lot of old sayings about following one’s heart are born. Yet in keeping with the adventurous sounding nature of this crystal’s name, these energies inspire you to follow your heart with daring!

There’s a sense of playful risk taking involved with Aventurine. Many have dubbed it the Gambler’s Stone, believing that it connects you to good fortune and lucky streaks. While belief in luck differs from one person to the next, a little extra good fortune coming one’s way hardly hurts!


Stone Effects:

Azurite is often known as the Stone of the Heavens, making it a popular choice for those looking to embrace divine guidance and connections to the angelic realm. This is a crystal that helps to open one’s mind to what a purely pragmatic mindset would regard as impossible.

It’s a stone of faith and of belief in something beyond oneself. However, it also promotes belief in yourself with just as much potency, and it can help you to follow through on vibrant ideas as and when they strike, confident of your success. This stone is also fantastic for clearing away stress and worry.

Black Obsidian

Thanks to its black color and overall luster, Obsidian is a crystal that is very evocative and mysterious. However, as with many black crystals, the principle energies at work in this stone are protective ones.

If you often feel bowled over by the strong personalities of others, or otherwise have a difficult time overcoming boisterous people, this crystal can not only keep you safe, but also help you to speak your mind. However, Obsidian is also a stone of self reflection, and it will coax you to examine and work on the imperfections within you that you’d otherwise not face up to.

Black Tourmalated Quartz

Tourmilated Quartz encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels. The combination of clear quartz with its strong vibration enhances the energy of the black tourmaline, giving tourmalated quartz a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being a potent psychic protection stone.

This distinctive stone has strands and streaks of Tourmaline in the body of the Quartz, and it likewise combines clarity and strength in one handy package. This crystal will amplify your natural energies to bring about your best self, but also allow you to reflect on yourself and your own needs and desires.

Through these discoveries, you will feel emboldened in following your life path with renewed passion. Tourmalinated Quartz encourages you to be independent, but also to know who you can rely on when you’re in a pinch.

Black Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Black Tourmaline (Schrol) is a very supportive stone that protects us from external influences, dispersing stress, tension and negative energy. It grounds and anchors light energy within the physical body, promoting inner wisdom, mastery, individuality, stability, courage and patience being peace to the heart and mind. Black Tourmaline also protects against the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation and inharmonious energies. It grounds spiritual energy for increased radiance and light during dark times. It strengthens spiritual consciousness, making life among non-believers easier. Place a black tourmaline wand at the feet or knees with the pointed end pointing toward the toes. This will encourage negative energy to leave the body, in keeping with black tourmaline meaning.


Despite its perhaps provocative name, Bloodstone is very much on your side, as you’ll discover if you start working with it for crystal healing. It can help to alleviate all kinds of physical pain and injuries, as well as enhance effective circulation of both the bloodstream and your spirit body’s energy centers.

They inspire courage to help one stay true to his or her personal spiritual beliefs but keep one well-grounded in reality. Bloodstone will enhance insights, inspire intuitiveness and impart a more transcendent understanding of one’s spiritual beliefs, the universe and the divine. It encourages sacrifice for the benefit of others and one’s self, inspiring a more altruistic state of mind.

Bloodstone is very protective of the soul, keeping one safe while exploring and strengthening spirituality. It inspires confidence in one’s beliefs by removing any sense of confusion or uncertainty.

Blue Lace Agate

Stone Effects:

This is a calming and peaceful crystal, even if one just considers its colors alone. Blue Lace Agate has a mystical appearance, and lots of depth in the way light plays off even the simplest piece of it.

This crystal connected to your ability to form and articulate your ideas. If you often find yourself kicking yourself for not speaking up against things that are unfair, or turning down favors asked of you that you know are too overreaching, this crystal can help you.

It will inspire firm but compassionate words that get your point across, and also help you to see that most people making such requests really aren’t trying to be unkind to you.


Stone Effects:

Carnelian enhances and vitalizes the physical, emotional and mental bodies. It’s warm and joyous energy attunes with the inner self helping to open the heart. It is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation and for stimulating creativity. Carnelian is full of life force and gives us courage and vigor to make the right life choices. It helps anchor you in the present reality, aiding concentration and willpower, allowing you to trust yourself and your perceptions.

Carnelian will help you safely overcome all forms of abuse. This stone will help you trust in yourself and your views of the world. It will protect you from envy, rage and resentment. This is a stabilizing stone with very high energy levels, It is the stone for creativity which include drama, art and dance. ​Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates you for success.


Stone Effects:

Charoite is known as the transformer.
It helps you to take a fresh approach to old information and old patterns. Charoite stimulates your inner vision and spiritual insight. It helps you cope with sudden life changes.
Charoite cleanses the aura and stimulates feelings of unconditional love for yourself and others.
This stone brings spirituality onto the earth plane and raises the Earth energy to your crown chakra.​
It promotes awareness of realities greater than the material and physical body.

Chevron Amethyst

Stone Effects:

Chevron Amethyst is a combination of Amethyst and White Quartz, mixed together in a V-striped or banded pattern. Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. It balances the mind and opens it for higher consciousness, Furthermore it strengthens intuition and allows new insights about your own personality. The positive vibrations of it clear negative energies and have an empowering effect.


Stone Effects:

As far as transformation goes in life, it’s usually either an ambition of ours, or the events of life forcing change upon us – sometimes with or without our approval! Yet in the case of Chrysocolla, you’ll find that you’re able to inspire positive change in your life with divine guidance.

This crystal and its rich earth colors also connects you wonderfully to the natural world. Just as the seasons roll in cycles, you’ll also see the cycles in your own life for what they are – and feel empowering to nurture or break off those cycles according to your needs, too.


Stone Effects:

Although it may seem a simple pale green stone at first appearance, Chrysoprase has a lot of hidden depths. In fact, it could be said that this is one crystal that’s ideal for getting to the bottom of some of yours, too,It helps you overcome compulsive and impulsive behaviours.

Chrysoprase helps you accept yourself as you are and doesn’t judge others, It helps you feel forgiveness and compassion,this stone soothes heartache and loneliness. It promotes emotional balance and helps in conflict resolution, encourages inner peace and inner strength when facing real emotions. Chrysoprase helps you to open and heal old emotional wounds, grief and trauma. This stone reduces fear and replaces it with unconditional love.

This is a stone of truth and illumination, meaning that not only will you see behind the lies of other people, but also stop kidding yourself in certain areas of life too. And thanks to the strong themes of forgiveness and love that run through this crystal’s energies, it’s wonderful for healing and overcoming difficulties.


Citrine is an energizing stone that provides happiness, courage, hope and warmth. It is said to hold the energy of the sun, enhancing our self esteem, self expression and creativity. Citrine is a powerful cleansing and revitalizing stone, invigorating and awakening the mind, body and soul. It attracts abundance and prosperity into our lives.Vibrant in color and also in its energies, Citrine is a crystal that can’t help but inspire positivity and determination. It connects to your solar plexus chakra, which is where the majority of energy exchange between people actually happens, as well as some intuitive insights – or ‘gut feelings’, as we often call them.But alongside strengthening these parts of ourselves, Citrine also promotes the idea of growth. That’s growth of an individual, growth in a relationship, growth in financial abundance – anything you turn its powers towards.

Citrine boosts your confidence accordingly too, so if you’ve been feeling on the back foot lately, turn to this crystal to help you get back on track and ready to speak your piece.

Clear Quartz

Stone Effects:

Look no further than the very name of this crystal to understand its secret healing power. In other words, Clear Quartz works by bringing clarity to all around you, letting you see into the truth of things. Luckily, when those truths are a bit ugly or hard to handle, this crystal also has soothing energies that prevent you getting too hurt.

Clear Quartz is able to heal the body and the mind with equal fluency, but its specialty is vision – both physical and spiritual. If you have been suffering brain fog, or have a scrambled mind due to stress you have endured, this crystal can really straighten things out for you, giving you a broader perspective on what to do.Clear Quartz works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness. Improving your memory and providing clarity of mind.


Stone Effects:

Called the “Stone of Successful Love,” Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love.


Stone Effects:

This is a stone that can encourage recovery and regeneration after a severe illness. Epidote helps to lift the emotions, and also helps to dissolve sadness, sorrow, self-pity and grief, Epidote is the perfect stone for those who fall easily into victimhood or martyrdom, dispelling self criticism and helping you to look objectively at your strengths and weaknesses and at those of other people. Teaching how to set realistic goals, it moves you away from unattainable expectations and the inevitable disappointments that rise when you plan from your emotions.
Epidote encourages recovery and regeneration after severe illness of in the case of great exhaustion caused by over work, stress, and painful experiences. It lifts the emotions and dissolves sadness, sorrow, self pity and grief. Epidote also helps you overcome frustration caused by failure and teaches you not to devalue yourself because of mistakes you have made. Epidote assists in releasing patterns of negativity from the emotional body.


Stone Effects:

Fluorite promotes focus, intuition and understanding. It helps to bring chaos into order, promoting stability, free thinking and clear unbiased reasoning. Fluorite is excellent for the advancement of the mind, aiding in meditation and inter dimensional communication. It is a highly protective stone, especially on a psychic level and from outside influences. Fluorite draws away negative energy and stress, cleansing and purifying the body.The striking colors of Fluorite make it a popular stone in its own right, but it’s the relaxing properties of this stone that have made it so consistently popular with stress and anxiety seemingly always on the rise, this crystal is a welcome soothing balm to the soul.

Fossil Coral

Stone Effects:

Agatized fossil coral terms as the nature’s mineral that holds the capability to forces of the cosmos as well as the liveliness of the gifted life. The agate that is called quartz is, also, replaces the fossilized organic carcass of the individuals as well as bringing its unique vibrations to this fossil coral. This fossil is invented to be a vast treasure to work on the past life memories. This fossil coral furthermore acts as a diarist for the past, present as well as future expectations. The microcrystalline quartz fossils allow its bearer to search and see the very best of his life journey. It is furthermore appraised to dilate the apprehend connections of his carrier. They are surmised to offer love to make changes throughout the life. Fossil Coral dynamism allows its carrier to learn the solidity of love as well as inspire its holder to find the courage to greet life with a yielding heart. This fossil is predisposed to ease the emotional temper of its holder. It further motivates its holder to feel better about the people around by fading away the negativity from his mind. Fossil coral with its peaceful aura creates an inner peace by quieting the nagging thoughts as well as enhancing communications. It is a jewel globule that has a tendency to help its carrier to retrieve from the physical or psychological trauma as well. It furthermore assists its carrier to achieve brilliance in his professional along with the personal life.


Stone Effects:

Garnet is most popular for being a rich red color, and similarly, this crystal can awaken red hot passion. This isn’t just steered towards love, though, but also passion for anything else in life that you love – art, work, fitness, or hobbies.

Garnet helps to encourage you to make the most of every day, and it can help to heal you physically so you have the health and energy to do just that. If your life has felt a little stuck in a rut, gemstone can motivate you to shake things up in a positive way.

Green Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Green tourmaline helps you improve your demeanor and attract new friends or a romantic partner. This stone reminds you that to bring more romance into your life, you must learn how to enjoy your own company. Determine what makes you happy and use this stone to attract relationships that will provide loving companions or a mutually satisfying romantic relationship. Green tourmaline brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It can help you to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful for countering a fear of change or balancing obsessive compulsive disorder in yourself or others.

Green tourmaline realigns your consciousness to recognize that receiving is not the same thing as taking. This stone reminds you to allow the good of the universe to flow through you. It helps people who are afraid to give, fearing that giving something away will leave them lacking. With this stone in hand, this belief in lack can be removed. Use this stone to strengthen your belief in the ever flowing abundance and infinite supply available to us all.



Stone Effects:

The metallic sheen of Hematite might well serve to strengthen your steely resolve, but this stone itself also reinforces your physical body. That means it can help you to get over sickness and injury, but also that it gives you greater resilience to illness and fatigue. Hematite is a stone that focuses the heart and mind on what is real, tangible, physical and attainable. If you’re finding your head in the clouds too often, or even if your dreams at night are so vivid that you wake up startled, this stone can give valuable grounding energy.

Hematite is a grounding and protective stone that energizes and vitalizes the physical body. It promotes optimism, determination, courage, self esteem and willpower, helping you to magnetize what you truly want and to strive for improvement. Hematite harmonizes the mind, body and spirit, helping to dissolve negativity.

Hematoid Quartz

Stone Effects:

Hematoid Quartz is a quartz crystal that contains Hematite inclusions, it is a very good grounding crystal. It will calm and quiet your mind, giving you the time to properly process things and sort them out.

It’s a crystal that will dissolve the imbalances and negativities in your life and allow you to enjoy a more balanced energy. It will inspire creative and original thinking, and it will boost your focus and concentration.

Hematoid Quartz will also help you find simple but effective ways to solve your problems, it will also enhance your willpower and boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. It will work with you in stimulating your desire for peace and genuine happiness. It will help you realize that you can learn from your past mistakes, and that you should not be defined or crippled by them.

Herkimer Diamond

A Herkimer diamond is a beautiful double terminated quartz crystal that can be found in Herkimer village, New York.

You may not believe this, but this gemstone is almost five hundred million years old! It’s not actually a real diamond, but it resembles it because of its clarity and magnificent geometrical shape.The Herkimer diamond is also known as the Stone of Attunement because it can help you attune to any situation or environment.

It can give you a sense of peace and serenity in this loud and crazy world. It will encourage you to do more of the things that make you feel alive, young, light, and free. It will clear the blockages in your aura so that the positive energies will start to flow in. Balancing body, mind and spirit so beautifully is definitely one of the greatest gifts of the Herkimer diamond.

Indonesian Bumblebee

Bumble Bee Jasper is one of the most unusual and beautiful looking stones you can find in our world.

A highly unique and hard to come by stone, Bumble Bee Jasper is a metaphysical stone with great hidden powers and potential. It gets its name courtesy the alluring pattern that can be found on it, this pattern is identical to the pattern that can be found on bumblebees.

Bumble Bee Jasper will enable you to become much more susceptible to change and new surroundings. This will help you break away from your comfort zone and explore avenues that you previously wouldn’t have and you never know, one of these avenues might just change your life! If you’ve found yourself become a victim of unusual circumstances then you can use this stone to help rectify all such situations. It can help give you an ego boost and help highlight your individuality so that you may start seeing yourself in a whole different light.



Stone Effects:

Jade is a powerful emotional balancer, nurturing and bringing peace and purity into your life, removing negative thoughts and energy. It radiates the divine, promoting unconditional love, serenity, clarity of mind, courage and wisdom. Jade is believed to be stone of luck, prosperity and friendship. It can enhance your dreams, allowing you to awaken hidden knowledge and become who you really are. It is a protective stone that keeps you from harm.

Jade offers wisdom and abundance to those willing to work with its energies, and it can open your eyes to the innate duality of life.

K2 Stone

Named for the peak of the Himalayas, K2 Stone is similarly keen to help you climb to new heights. It is, in fact, a combination of stones fused together, and its coloring’s are like a bright summer sky. The blue spots are Azurite.  The blue Azurite really “pops” against the white and black granite. Some specimen even have very small dots of Malachite as well. Often called “K2 Jasper,” it’s not a Jasper at all – it is a granite.

This stone is said to amplify one’s ability to endure difficult conditions in life. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world can’t change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. K2 Stone increases one’s insight so that one is able to find answers to questions concerning issues in one’s life, it aids one’s intuition so that one is able to connect with the “all knowing” part of one’s being.



Stone Effects:

Kunzites loving energies supports the health of your physical heart as well as your general health. With this stone in hand, imagine love vibrating in every cell, bone and muscle in your physical body. This practice amplifies the level of healing for yourself and others. Kunzite helps relieve stress related diseases. Kunzite helps you attract healthy romantic relationships as well as supportive loving friendships and good business colleagues. It encourages kindness, compassion and tolerance. Kunzite relieves stress and worry and helps relieve depression and anxiety. Use kunzite when you need to discover how to nurture yourself. This is the perfect stone to help you realise how you want to be loved and how to nurture yourself. When you learn these two things, you begin to attract others who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. Kunzite assists you in releasing resistance to life, and helps you to become more receptive to experience love and energy.


Kyanite instantly aligns the chakras and subtle bodies which clears the pathways and meridians. Kyanite does not hold negativity so it never requires cleaning.  Kyanite shows you that you take part in creating the causes and the measures required from you to balance the past with the now and the future. Kyanite helps balance yin and yang energy.​
All Kyanite varieties harmonise well with one another, and it is highly recommended to use them in combination. They can magnify each other’s effects, calling forth more of the best of what each stone has to offer, Kyanite can aid in breaking those patterns, helping you to quickly create new pathways of energy flow and bringing immediate shifts in your perception of the world.
Kyanite leads to a calming effect on the inner world of images and stirred up emotions. It encourages a pleasant, peaceful nature and liberates you from frustrations and stress.
This stone encourages you to speak your truth by cutting though fears and blockages.


Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, it works on all areas of the mind and body increasing energy and clarifying thought processes. It is known as the bringer of light and is excellent for meditation, directing energies with more intensity allowing you to connect to your high self and seek out our spiritual purpose. Helps clear and protect your aura. Labradorite stimulates intuition, raising the consciousness and connecting to the universal energy. It is a stone of transformation, reflection and showing true intentions.

This is not a very common phenomenon and there a few different names for this exhibition, adularescence, labradorescence and aventurescence are long and difficult to say so someone come up with the ‘Schiller effect’ from an old German word meaning sparkle, twinkle or play-of-color.

Most Labradorite have a dark base color with blue, green, yellow or red the most likely colors to be on display. Gold, purple, teal, orange can also appear and the examples with strong color showing or a whole rainbow of colors are the most sought after.

Lapis Lazuli

Stone Effects:

The high vibrations of Lapis Lazuli make it a crystal that is very appealing to anyone wanting to fast track their spiritual growth. Of course, there are no real shortcuts to enlightenment, but there are certainly ways to boost your receptiveness to divine guidance, and this stone is one such way.

This crystal promotes a clear mind, as well as openness and honesty in your communication. It helps you to connect higher ideas and thoughts with more mundane principles of living, and see your physical and spiritual selves as two halves of the same whole.


Larimar helps you get in touch with your emotions in a balanced way, filling your awareness with sunshine and love. This is the stone of loving and clear communication and the healing that accompanies it from a higher realm.
It dulls the negative effects of hurt, depression, pain of loss, and everyday stress. When larimar is used on the third eye chakra, it can help battle anxiety and self doubt. Larimar brings tranquility to your heart and soul.
Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer. It is especially useful for those with phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It can help one release judgment and ego interpretation of what is. This stone bestows inner peace and helps you remain calm and relaxed when dramatic changes take place in your life. Larimar teaches the value of self nurturing and self respect. It facilitates balance between the active and receptive aspects of the self. Larimar encourages communication and the expression of emotional energy.


The energies of this stone will protect you in your day to day activities, and it will offer protection even when you are asleep, or even when you are travelling. Anything that’s harmful or no longer needed will be dispelled by this stone, and you will be able to enjoy a positive flow of energies. Larkivite is also an excellent stone to use during meditation because it will effectively still and focus your mind.

It will remove unnecessary thoughts, and it will sharpen your concentration. Larkivite will facilitate a powerful connection with the Earth’s energies and help you connect to the spirits of nature. This stone will stimulate your inner vision and enhance your psychic abilities. It will also allow you to see the past, which will give you a clear vision of your past life and how it’s influencing your life right now. You will not overreact at the smallest things, but you will also not be passive or unaffected just because you don’t want to overdo it. If you often find yourself wanting to be away from a place that feels off, or you simply don’t like the energy of a certain environment, Larkivite is a great stone to deflect the negative energies.

Lemurian Seed

Stone Effects:

Leumarian Seeded crystals are said to have been used in the ancient culture of Leumaria, holding ancient knowledge and wisdom from the past bringing it into the present to awaken our spirit. Leumarians hold a blessing of unconditional love as the earth enters into a new vibration, they show us how to move beyond boundaries and learn about ourselves from the past, reawakening the spirit and giving us self belief so that we can reach our full potential. They are excellent healers, used for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal holds and transmits a very special kind of vibration. It’s believed to be sent to Earth by the High Priestesses of Lemuria, the lost and sacred land which existed millions of years ago. There’s no physical proof that such a land existed, but the legends remain that their civilization was for more advanced, and the Lemurians possessed a much higher consciousness.


Stone Effects:

Lepidolite is a crystal of progress, but also a crystal that reminds us that progress takes time. It’s also sometimes uncomfortable, or relies upon that which is old or outdated being destroyed or left behind.

The bigger picture is brought into focus when you work with the healing energies of Lepidolite. It will give you the power to take a step back and observe life’s course from afar, as well as taking heart in the knowledge that any discomforts in your journey today are only temporary.


Lodolite is a kind of included quartz that has different color and type inclusions. These inclusions often look like underwater scenes, landscapes, and gardens. Lodolite is also known as Inclusion Quartz, Lodelite, and Lodalite.

​Phantom Quartz Crystal is considered a Master Crystal because of it’s unique ability to represent the separate and unique lifetimes of the one quartz crystal, it’s regressive properties and the ability of life after death.

Lodolite is usually used in meditation. Its powerful but soothing energies can instantly put you in a deep meditative state. It will bring energies of manifestation in your life so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s desires, Lodolite will bring loving energies in your life. Lodolite will weed out the negative thoughts and feelings and put your heart and mind at ease.


Stone Effects:

As one of the most well known of the green crystals, Malachite is a stone that is deeply connected to the heart chakra. This makes it a solid companion for any journeys of the heart you might be making, including if you are looking for answers in your love life. It aids both the physical heart and may help you with healing emotionally. These green crystals have an excellent action to aid you to take action, and to make changes in your life where required.

Malachite is also a useful energy to tap into if you are healing from heartbreak, or otherwise looking to bring an unbalanced heart chakra back into alignment.


Moldavite is seen as a stone of connectivity and carries an intense frequency that can be quite surprising to some people. Moldavite can be used to re-establish a feeling of connection with the wonders of the Universe in even to most cynical or world weary of individuals. It is useful for easing away fears and doubts and strangely, considering its dynamism, can be great comfort to those suffering from generalized anxiety. This may be because Moldavite acts as a “clearing” stone helping to bring mental sharpness and acuity, thus enabling the person who may be experiencing worries over money, for example, to come up with solutions to their problems.  If you feel that you need help in adjusting to deep emotions or that you are a natural empath, Moldavite may well bring you comfort and relief.


Mookaite is a crystal deeply connected to all that is physical and tangible. This means that it can help you on your way to material success, but also that it has grounding energies that prevent you from becoming so lost in daydreams that you never take action. Action is indeed the name of the game for Mookaite, and the greatest rewards of this stone come to those who use its energies to make big strides in life, or in travel. If you’re looking to broaden your horizons, learn a new language or explore a new country, Mookaite is the stone to choose.


Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings and is strongly connected to the moon and helps connect you to your intuition and female energy. Moonstone is uplifting and calming, it enhances psychic ability and calms reactions, aiding in self analysis.. With its creamy appearance and its otherworldly texture, Moonstone is a crystal that has often been sought by those looking to expand their visions beyond what’s possible on this world alone. In tarot and astrology, the moon is associated with secret feelings and hidden intentions, although not necessarily cruel ones – and the same is often true of this crystal.

Moonstone is especially good for healing rifts in romance, and also encouraging new lovers to open their heart to one another. Moonstone can promote calmness and serenity to a worried couple, but also illuminate any flaws that are preventing a romance from working out.


Stone Effects:

Opal is an emotional stone and reflects the mood of the wearer.  It intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions.  Encourages both freedom and independence.  Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions.  It stimulates originality and creativity.  Helps to release anger and claim self worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one’s true self.  Opal strengthens memory.  It encourages an interest in the arts.  Wearing Opal brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity. Opal strengthens desire, eroticism and sexuality. It makes us emotional, seductive, unconventional, in love with life and enhances optimism. The high water content of opal assists you to shift your emotions through to self awareness. This stone also helps protect you from too easily absorbing other people’s energy, feelings, or thoughts. Because opal produces its colours through interference and diffraction, allow this stone to run interference for you when encountering challenging people, places or things that affect your emotions or hurt your feelings.
​Opal stimulates originality and dynamic creativity, it helps in accessing and expressing your true self. Opal is absorbent and reflective. It picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them and then sends them back. Opal is a karmic stone sending you the message “what you put out here comes back to you three fold”.


Stone Effects:

While not a true mineral due to their organic origin, pearls are globular cysts of calcium carbonate, Pearls bring centring and a calming reflection, as well as attune you to the ebb and flow of life. They promote faith, honesty, purity, wisdom, charity and personal integrity.  Pearls soothe and heal the negativity and struggle that occurs in your life be it occasionally or for a long period of time. Spiritually pearl soothes and heals the negativity and struggle in your life, by surrounding negative energy with Divine Light. This stone will dissolve  any negative energy sent to you by psychic attacks and repels psychic vampires. It moves negative attachments out of your aura then fills your aura with healing light.


Peridot is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot is a crystal that radiates light, and with it, a sense of positivity and plenty. This is a stone of abundance, and it can likewise help to turn your thinking around if you often find yourself stuck in a kind of scarcity mentality.

Peridot has qualities of healing and inspiration that make it very popular among creative thinkers, but also a practical side that means that those looking for solid solutions can embrace its approach. This stone works closely with your heart chakra and helps you to find balance between doing for others and looking after yourself in as effective a way as possible.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood promotes inner harmony helping you to see the good and positive side of life. It helps relieve worries and provides a sense of well being, composure and calm allowing you to accept and external influences and use them to meet your own goals in life. Petrified wood brings embedded feelings in your subconscious to the surface to remove unnecessary limits on your potential. This fossilized wood assists you in letting go of these unhealthy emotions. Petrified wood can help you recognize and overcome limiting emotional patterns handed down through your ancestors. Often these emotional patterns were created as survival tools in order to deal with situations your ancestors encountered, but which are no longer appropriate. Petrified wood can help you identify which of these patterns are no longer needed, so such limitations can be cleared, freeing humanity from the destructive echos of the past, while still keeping the ancient wisdom that can help you return to balance.

Pink Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Pink tourmaline is a nurturing stone that helps you restructure your thought forms, or mental energy, into positive statements. It helps your raise your awareness enough to recognize the negative thoughts you carry around and then it assists in releasing them, Use pink tourmaline with the intention of receiving inspiration. This stone softens the thoughts you have about yourself and helps you treasure yourself with every thought your have. It is useful for balancing brain biochemistry to promote a balanced mental state.

The nurturing energy of pink tourmaline brings forward the vibration of the Divine Mother. Use it when you need to activate the ability to have mercy and compassion for yourself and others. Pink tourmaline activates your sacred heart, aligns your consciousness with the angels, and facilitates communication from the Ascended Masters.



Prehnite is a gentle, nurturing stone that can help you release constant identification with past wounds. It is like ‘emotional soap’ that helps wash emotional debris from the aura. It can act as an emotional ‘rescue remedy,’ helping you to immediately release identification with emotional wounds and preventing little hurts from growing into festering emotional sores.
Prehnite aids in cooling and grounding excessive anger or nervous energy, encouraging a sense of peace and calm. It helps renew one’s chi and strengthens the flow of vital energy in the body.
Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal that will heal the healer.
​Prehnite eases nightmares, phobias and deep fears uncovering and healing the problems that create them. It his helpful for people who hyperactive.


Stone Effects:

Pyrite is known as a stone of protection, it wards of negativity energy and physical danger as well as stimulating the intellect. Pyrite helps to nourish the mind and body, promoting good health. It enhances the emotional body strengthening the will and helps create a positive outlook on life.

You likely already know that Pyrite is often called Fool’s Gold, but don’t let its comparative lack of monetary value fool you! In fact, this crystal is an excellent companion for helping you to find your own fortune, and to embrace the ideas you need for that. Pyrite also encourages self reflection though, and by spending time with the stone, you will come to learn the traits about yourself that aren’t serving your higher cause. If you are looking to end bad habits or overcome what is holding you back, Pyrite is definitely your friend.

Red Jasper

The rich color of this stone is largely associated with the Root Chakra – the very chakra that binds each of us to the physical world. However, at a more accessible level, this crystal is one that reminds you to take good care of yourself day to day. Red Jasper represents the earth and is a grounding stone that promotes stability and balance in life. It warms and enlivens the will and enhances courageous and dynamic energy that sustains and supports in times of stress. Red Jasper brings tranquility and wholeness into your life, gently stimulating your energy, helping you to face your problems, taking away your worries and calming the emotions.

Red Jasper and its energies are inherently nurturing, and they encourage you to cut yourself some slack if things are going wrong or if you make lapses in judgment. Similarly, if you have been unwell, the energies of this stone can help you to make a faster recovery.


Stone Effects:

The sweet cotton candy color of Rhodochrosite is a good indicator of how this crystal is seen as something of a treat, it’s a stone about being good to ourselves, and remembering that we are worthy of love.

Rhodochrosite meaning is all about love. Love of oneself, love of others, spiritual love, love of Mother Earth and universal love are all at the heart of rhodochrosite meaning. This deep pink to red gemstone resonates with the heart to promote love of oneself. It helps heal old wounds so that you can love yourself again and feel worthy of the love of others. This beautiful deep pink stone is perfect for finding new love, renewing old love and making a new loved one feel confident in his or her place in the relationship.

If you have been putting your needs on the back burner for so long that you no longer know just how to make yourself happy, this crystal can help you. It will remind you of all the little things you love, and give you the means to connect with them and make yourself just a little more upbeat and ready to take on life’s challenges.


Stone Effects:

This crystal is one that give you insight into life’s patterns, and helps you to recognize that sometimes you have to plant seeds well ahead of their harvest to make the most of things, Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart, grounding energy to help one to achieve their potential.

It can guide you intuitively when it comes to making investments or planning a career path, and can also help you to choose a long term partner with whom you can go the distance. However, when unexpected events occur, this crystal also helps you to not give up on things so easily, and stay the course. Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. It grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.


Rose Quartz

Unconditional love knows no limits, as Rose Quartz and its energies know all too well. This crystal is not only symbolic of romance, but also the love of family, of one’s career, or even love of life itself. If you’ve been feeling down of late, this influence is very much appreciated! This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out. Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, infinite peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationships and teaches us about the true essence of love. It purifies and opens up the heart allowing us to express our emotions. It reduces stress and tension, allowing us to express love, sensitivity and compassion towards ourselves and others. Rose Quartz brings a deep inner healing, enhancing self love, self trust, self worth and self confidence. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships.

Ruby in Fuschite

Stone Effects:

The energies of Ruby Fuchsite combined offer strong emotional support and self reflection during difficult times. The Ruby, which offers endless courage and strength, combined with the relaxing and nourishing vibrations of the Fuchsite, will be felt immediately Ruby in Fuchsite will help you find solutions to your problems and restore the balance to any part of your life that has become unbalanced Ruby in Fuchsite will bring you satisfaction, peace, and inspiration in your life! The vibrations of this stone will also strengthen the love in your life and the friendships that you keep.

It’s a symbol of vitality, and it will connect the intellect of the mind with passion of the heart. Ruby in Fuchsite will promote objectivity and inspire you to accept differing points of opinion with ease and grace.

Rutilated Quartz

Stone Effects:

Rutilated Quartz is valued by many faith healers and spiritually minded crystal collectors because of how it can so effectively filter negative energies out of your life. If you’re finding yourself overcome by pessimism in everything around you, this crystal can reset that perspective to a more balanced one.

However, this crystal can also help you to clear your own negativity too. It can cleanse your heart and mind of any resentment you’re holding, even if it happens to be subconscious. Many of these negative emotions can really slow your spiritual growth, making this stone a valuable ally. Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past, and gives protection against the ill thoughts of others.


The essence of light and illumination makes Selenite a key crystal for anyone wanting to see the spiritual truth in things. This crystal can help to open your third eye chakra, and because of that, can lead you to some fascinating spiritual insights. This is a crystal of cleansing, both yourself and your surroundings. Many people look to place Selenite in their home or office to keep negative emotions and low vibration energies at bay. By keeping light and airy, you are often able to be your best self.

It Enhances clarity of the mind and concentration, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings and having a positive effect on the brain. It soothes the nerves and enhances willpower.


Shattuckite is a stone that can help you process spiritual information, enhance your general well-being, and work on your inner strength.

It’s a very spiritual stone that is closely connected with psychic information and clarity. It also has strong protective powers that can guard you against physical or psychic harm. It’s a strong psychic communication stone that can build a powerful connection between you and your spirit guides, as well as your loved ones who have passed away.

It can help you establish peaceful, loving, and harmonious relationships. Shattuckite will work like a sounding board. You can tell this stone everything that’s bother you or worrying you. It will enlighten your mind and help you come to the right decision.

This stone will influence you to speak from the heart. No need to hide what you’re feeling because it will manifest in your words, thoughts, and actions, anyway. It can bring courage and inner strength


Shungite is a dark stone, but also one that has been attributed to countless healing possibilities. One of the more interesting of these is the detoxifying properties of the crystal, meaning that poor lifestyle choices can be fought back against a little by this stone. Of course, the crystal also helps you have the self discipline to stick with a healthier lifestyle altogether. There is an element of purity to Shungite that can help you to recognize the means by which to keep things simple when you need to.

Shungite is very old, ancient in fact, said to be around 2 billion years old. It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is one of the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti oxidants.The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.


Smithsonite is a valuable emotional healer. It teaches you the difference between ego based love (love with strings attached) and divine love (unconditional love).
It can assist you in being more expressive of kindness, compassion and support.
This stone is soothing for the emotional body and relieves stress.

It cools anger and resentment of others. Smithsonite eases tension and dispels debilitating anxiety. It assists you in knowing that you are not alone in this world even if occasionally you feel lonely. ​
Smithsonite helps you use and increase your leadership abilities, especially where you need to be tactful. Rather than a traumatic emotional release, smithsonite’s effects are much more subtle, you will just wake one day feeling better. ​It releases anger, fear and pain. It balances the energy fields, eases panic attacks and promotes friendship. ​It heals the heart and reduces feelings of abandonment and abuse

Smoky Quartz

Stone Effects:

If you have been feeling as though your progress in life has been obscured from sight thanks to negative feelings, Smoky Quartz can help to heal that, as well as overcome the pain. Smoky Quartz is a crystal that helps you to reconnect to the wonders of being alive. Each day begins to feel like a new opportunity under this energy, and the positive vibrations you will welcome from this crystal can help you to see the opportunities before you. Smoky Quartz helps you to find emotional balance, and it also brings you into greater harmony with those around you – ideal if you have been confused by someone’s behavior of late.


Sodalite unites logic and intuition together, bringing information from the higher mind to the physical level. This stone help in the seeking of truth making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. It can help clear electromagnetic energies from computers and other electronic equipment. Sodalite can also bring emotional balance and can be helpful in times of stress or panic. It helps to release our fears that hold us back from being who we truly are, promoting self esteem, self acceptance and self trust.


Few crystals can really charge up your creative side quite like Sunstone. More than this, this crystal can enhance your ideas with grounded thinking that means that when you do come up with exciting new directions to take in life, you don’t feel stumped in how to pursue them. Better yet, this is an excellent stone for confidence. Ever had an amazing idea, only to abandon it because everyone seemed to talk it down? Sunstone will encourage you to perhaps stick with those bright ideas a little more. You never know what astonishing progress you might make if you allow yourself to flourish like this!

With the radiance of the sun and the fire of the solar ray, Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth. It is a Stone of Leadership – of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness.


Stone Effects:

Tanzanite will help you get to know yourself on a deeper level. It will allow you to discover the depth of your existence and break away from the mold. This will promote a strong sense of self-control.

Tanzanite will support you in looking beyond the limitations and boundaries to truly answer the call of your heart. This stone will also encourage you to harness your inner strength. It will promote stillness, and it will help you undergo a purification of sorts. It’s a stone that will align the heart and the mind. Tanzanite will make a harmonious connection between what your heart desires and what your mind wants to achieve. All your bad experiences can still be good experiences when you look at them from a different light.

Tigers Eye

Stone Effects:

Befitting the name, leave it to Tiger’s Eye to be the stone you need when it’s time to feel courageous. It awakens a braver side of you, but it does so in a way that isn’t superficial.

That’s because self esteem and a deeper insight into yourself – your strengths and your weaknesses – is the kind of energy that Tiger’s Eye offers. Confidence comes from just these kinds of insights, and so it’s only natural you’ll be braver for coming to terms with these sides of yourself. Tiger Eye brings confidence, strength, courage, protection and good luck. It sharpens the senses, promotes intuition and helps one to be practical, cent red and grounded. It enhances personal power, allows clarity, good judgement, clear perception and insight, aiding in good decision making. Tiger Eye can be used to stimulate wealth and maintain it.


Turquoise balances extreme fluctuations of mood and dissolves an apathetic self martyring attitude. It also refreshes you when you are tired, down cast or exhausted. Turquoise protects you from sensitivity to outside influences.
Turquoise calms agitation. Its calming energy helps you to release tension, reduce anger and relieve headaches. ​
Turquoise balances the mood swings commonly associated with premenstrual syndrome.. This is a stone of validation when it comes to downloading wisdom and truth. Speak your truth with love and beauty.
It shields the emotions, heals heartache and heartbreak. Turquoise is a stone for self forgiveness, self acceptance and the release of useless regrets, It encourages you to honour yourself as a creation and a tool of the Divine. Turquoise opens and softens hardness of the heart, it breaks down walls that you have put up around your heart. It heals people who say that they will never love again. This stone promotes trust, compassion for yourself and others, friendship and relationships.


Variscite is an excellent stone to use because of its soothing and clarifying properties. It will stimulate healing on both the physical and light body.

It has the ability to align and balance your connection to your body, mind, and spirit, and will show you how you can harness your personal power by focusing on your strengths, and by turning your weaknesses into more strengths! this stone will help you get rid of bad habits. It will make you accept certain difficult truths about yourself so that you can achieve complete healing and transformation.

People will disappoint you and hurt you, and when they do, you have nothing to worry about because you know that you can manage. You possess courage and inner strength.,this stone will make sure that you know.

It will promote fearlessness, endurance, and power. You will have a live and let live attitude.

Disclaimer- the information listed on this website regarding crystal healing is not intended for use in diagnosis, treatment, cure or mitigation of any disease nor is it intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological advice. The reader should always consult a qualified health provider for advice regarding a medical condition. Crystal healing is a complimentary therapy and rather to strengthen the treatments you may be receiving and efficacy is not guaranteed.