
Prehnite is a gentle, nurturing stone that can help you release constant identification with past wounds. It is like ‘emotional soap’ that helps wash emotional debris from the aura. It can act as an emotional ‘rescue remedy,’ helping you to immediately release identification with emotional wounds and preventing little hurts from growing into festering emotional sores.
Prehnite aids in cooling and grounding excessive anger or nervous energy, encouraging a sense of peace and calm. It helps renew one’s chi and strengthens the flow of vital energy in the body.
Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal that will heal the healer.
​Prehnite eases nightmares, phobias and deep fears uncovering and healing the problems that create them. It his helpful for people who hyperactive.


Larimar helps you get in touch with your emotions in a balanced way, filling your awareness with sunshine and love. This is the stone of loving and clear communication and the healing that accompanies it from a higher realm.
It dulls the negative effects of hurt, depression, pain of loss, and everyday stress. When larimar is used on the third eye chakra, it can help battle anxiety and self doubt. Larimar brings tranquility to your heart and soul.
Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer. It is especially useful for those with phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It can help one release judgment and ego interpretation of what is. This stone bestows inner peace and helps you remain calm and relaxed when dramatic changes take place in your life. Larimar teaches the value of self nurturing and self respect. It facilitates balance between the active and receptive aspects of the self. Larimar encourages communication and the expression of emotional energy.


Smithsonite is a valuable emotional healer. It teaches you the difference between ego based love (love with strings attached) and divine love (unconditional love).
It can assist you in being more expressive of kindness, compassion and support.
This stone is soothing for the emotional body and relieves stress.

It cools anger and resentment of others. Smithsonite eases tension and dispels debilitating anxiety. It assists you in knowing that you are not alone in this world even if occasionally you feel lonely. ​
Smithsonite helps you use and increase your leadership abilities, especially where you need to be tactful. Rather than a traumatic emotional release, smithsonite’s effects are much more subtle, you will just wake one day feeling better. ​It releases anger, fear and pain. It balances the energy fields, eases panic attacks and promotes friendship. ​It heals the heart and reduces feelings of abandonment and abuse

Pink Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Pink tourmaline is a nurturing stone that helps you restructure your thought forms, or mental energy, into positive statements. It helps your raise your awareness enough to recognize the negative thoughts you carry around and then it assists in releasing them, Use pink tourmaline with the intention of receiving inspiration. This stone softens the thoughts you have about yourself and helps you treasure yourself with every thought your have. It is useful for balancing brain biochemistry to promote a balanced mental state.

The nurturing energy of pink tourmaline brings forward the vibration of the Divine Mother. Use it when you need to activate the ability to have mercy and compassion for yourself and others. Pink tourmaline activates your sacred heart, aligns your consciousness with the angels, and facilitates communication from the Ascended Masters.



Stone Effects:

Encourages being true to the self, trust in the universe, and letting go. Helps to heighten your courage when you are headling grief and is powerful with assisting self-healing. Signifies friendship. Aquamarine purifies the body and enhances clarity of mind with its gentle and compassionate energy. It helps bring closure to unresolved situations. It is especially good for sensitive people promoting self courage, elevating fears and phobias. Aquamarine is an excellent stone for meditation, calming and balancing the physical, emotional and mental aspects. Aquamarine encourages light heartedness and a happy, relaxed disposition, which is due to all that you undertake developing quickly and smoothly.