Aqua/Blue Chalcedony

Chalcedony will allow you to turn your focus to the spiritual world without losing your objective or your positive look at the future. It will strengthen your ability to make positive changes in your life.

This stone will bring your body, mind, thoughts, and feelings in harmony with your spirit. When you work with the energies of Chalcedony, you will have more positivity in your heart, mind, and soul. The calming and stabilizing energies of Chalcedony will increase your mental abilities and your inner peace. There will also be more emotional honesty and emotional healing.

Blue chalcedony elicits the soothing energy of a peaceful lake. Use this stone to help turn off the incessant chatter going on in your mind. Breathe deeply and relax. The calming vibration of this stone slows inner talk, assisting you in sorting out the many mental images and conversations going on inside. Blue chalcedony is the reality factor, replacing illusions and vague promises with practical plans and realistic timetables for any joint or collective venture, whether at home or work


Stone Effects:

Tanzanite will help you get to know yourself on a deeper level. It will allow you to discover the depth of your existence and break away from the mold. This will promote a strong sense of self-control.

Tanzanite will support you in looking beyond the limitations and boundaries to truly answer the call of your heart. This stone will also encourage you to harness your inner strength. It will promote stillness, and it will help you undergo a purification of sorts. It’s a stone that will align the heart and the mind. Tanzanite will make a harmonious connection between what your heart desires and what your mind wants to achieve. All your bad experiences can still be good experiences when you look at them from a different light.

Lemurian Seed

Stone Effects:

Leumarian Seeded crystals are said to have been used in the ancient culture of Leumaria, holding ancient knowledge and wisdom from the past bringing it into the present to awaken our spirit. Leumarians hold a blessing of unconditional love as the earth enters into a new vibration, they show us how to move beyond boundaries and learn about ourselves from the past, reawakening the spirit and giving us self belief so that we can reach our full potential. They are excellent healers, used for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal holds and transmits a very special kind of vibration. It’s believed to be sent to Earth by the High Priestesses of Lemuria, the lost and sacred land which existed millions of years ago. There’s no physical proof that such a land existed, but the legends remain that their civilization was for more advanced, and the Lemurians possessed a much higher consciousness.


Stone Effects:

Charoite is known as the transformer.
It helps you to take a fresh approach to old information and old patterns. Charoite stimulates your inner vision and spiritual insight. It helps you cope with sudden life changes.
Charoite cleanses the aura and stimulates feelings of unconditional love for yourself and others.
This stone brings spirituality onto the earth plane and raises the Earth energy to your crown chakra.​
It promotes awareness of realities greater than the material and physical body.

Hematoid Quartz

Stone Effects:

Hematoid Quartz is a quartz crystal that contains Hematite inclusions, it is a very good grounding crystal. It will calm and quiet your mind, giving you the time to properly process things and sort them out.

It’s a crystal that will dissolve the imbalances and negativities in your life and allow you to enjoy a more balanced energy. It will inspire creative and original thinking, and it will boost your focus and concentration.

Hematoid Quartz will also help you find simple but effective ways to solve your problems, it will also enhance your willpower and boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. It will work with you in stimulating your desire for peace and genuine happiness. It will help you realize that you can learn from your past mistakes, and that you should not be defined or crippled by them.


Stone Effects:

While not a true mineral due to their organic origin, pearls are globular cysts of calcium carbonate, Pearls bring centring and a calming reflection, as well as attune you to the ebb and flow of life. They promote faith, honesty, purity, wisdom, charity and personal integrity.  Pearls soothe and heal the negativity and struggle that occurs in your life be it occasionally or for a long period of time. Spiritually pearl soothes and heals the negativity and struggle in your life, by surrounding negative energy with Divine Light. This stone will dissolve  any negative energy sent to you by psychic attacks and repels psychic vampires. It moves negative attachments out of your aura then fills your aura with healing light.

Abalone Shell

Alongside its wonderful ocean like colors, Abalone Shell is a protective stone, not least since it serves this same literal function in nature. At times when your confidence seems to abandon you, or you feel unsafe, reach to your Abalone Shell for comfort and guidance.

This makes this stone a popular one in overcoming anxiety, but also in staying true to oneself – especially in matters of the heart. If you sometimes find that fear and self sabotage is getting in the way of your relationships, this might be the stone for you.


Prehnite is a gentle, nurturing stone that can help you release constant identification with past wounds. It is like ‘emotional soap’ that helps wash emotional debris from the aura. It can act as an emotional ‘rescue remedy,’ helping you to immediately release identification with emotional wounds and preventing little hurts from growing into festering emotional sores.
Prehnite aids in cooling and grounding excessive anger or nervous energy, encouraging a sense of peace and calm. It helps renew one’s chi and strengthens the flow of vital energy in the body.
Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and the crystal that will heal the healer.
​Prehnite eases nightmares, phobias and deep fears uncovering and healing the problems that create them. It his helpful for people who hyperactive.


Larimar helps you get in touch with your emotions in a balanced way, filling your awareness with sunshine and love. This is the stone of loving and clear communication and the healing that accompanies it from a higher realm.
It dulls the negative effects of hurt, depression, pain of loss, and everyday stress. When larimar is used on the third eye chakra, it can help battle anxiety and self doubt. Larimar brings tranquility to your heart and soul.
Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser and healer. It is especially useful for those with phobias, panic attacks, stress-related imbalances, and excessive anger or fear. It can help one release judgment and ego interpretation of what is. This stone bestows inner peace and helps you remain calm and relaxed when dramatic changes take place in your life. Larimar teaches the value of self nurturing and self respect. It facilitates balance between the active and receptive aspects of the self. Larimar encourages communication and the expression of emotional energy.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood promotes inner harmony helping you to see the good and positive side of life. It helps relieve worries and provides a sense of well being, composure and calm allowing you to accept and external influences and use them to meet your own goals in life. Petrified wood brings embedded feelings in your subconscious to the surface to remove unnecessary limits on your potential. This fossilized wood assists you in letting go of these unhealthy emotions. Petrified wood can help you recognize and overcome limiting emotional patterns handed down through your ancestors. Often these emotional patterns were created as survival tools in order to deal with situations your ancestors encountered, but which are no longer appropriate. Petrified wood can help you identify which of these patterns are no longer needed, so such limitations can be cleared, freeing humanity from the destructive echos of the past, while still keeping the ancient wisdom that can help you return to balance.