
Atlantisite is a composition of purple stichtite in yellow/green serpentine. At this time Atlantisite is commercially mined only in Australia. Atlantisite is a useful earth healer, bringing peace into the environment and when buried in the earth, undertakes earth clearing and energy restructuring in places where there has been death and destruction.

Atlantisite lowers stress levels and encourages thinking before speaking. It is an effective harmoniser of disputes. ​​It helps you to a higher awareness of all your emotions good and bad. This stone will bring joy into your physical existence and helps to strengthen your feelings of love, compassion and caring for yourself and others.

Atlantisite helps to clean emotional immaturity and helps to attract love, over and above money. It encourages you to make real promises, reconnecting to your ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete projects set in motion at that time. It also encourages you to be true to your word, to keep an open mind.

Lemurian Seed

Stone Effects:

Leumarian Seeded crystals are said to have been used in the ancient culture of Leumaria, holding ancient knowledge and wisdom from the past bringing it into the present to awaken our spirit. Leumarians hold a blessing of unconditional love as the earth enters into a new vibration, they show us how to move beyond boundaries and learn about ourselves from the past, reawakening the spirit and giving us self belief so that we can reach our full potential. They are excellent healers, used for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal holds and transmits a very special kind of vibration. It’s believed to be sent to Earth by the High Priestesses of Lemuria, the lost and sacred land which existed millions of years ago. There’s no physical proof that such a land existed, but the legends remain that their civilization was for more advanced, and the Lemurians possessed a much higher consciousness.

Green Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Green tourmaline helps you improve your demeanor and attract new friends or a romantic partner. This stone reminds you that to bring more romance into your life, you must learn how to enjoy your own company. Determine what makes you happy and use this stone to attract relationships that will provide loving companions or a mutually satisfying romantic relationship. Green tourmaline brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It can help you to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful for countering a fear of change or balancing obsessive compulsive disorder in yourself or others.

Green tourmaline realigns your consciousness to recognize that receiving is not the same thing as taking. This stone reminds you to allow the good of the universe to flow through you. It helps people who are afraid to give, fearing that giving something away will leave them lacking. With this stone in hand, this belief in lack can be removed. Use this stone to strengthen your belief in the ever flowing abundance and infinite supply available to us all.



Lodolite is a kind of included quartz that has different color and type inclusions. These inclusions often look like underwater scenes, landscapes, and gardens. Lodolite is also known as Inclusion Quartz, Lodelite, and Lodalite.

​Phantom Quartz Crystal is considered a Master Crystal because of it’s unique ability to represent the separate and unique lifetimes of the one quartz crystal, it’s regressive properties and the ability of life after death.

Lodolite is usually used in meditation. Its powerful but soothing energies can instantly put you in a deep meditative state. It will bring energies of manifestation in your life so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s desires, Lodolite will bring loving energies in your life. Lodolite will weed out the negative thoughts and feelings and put your heart and mind at ease.


Moldavite is seen as a stone of connectivity and carries an intense frequency that can be quite surprising to some people. Moldavite can be used to re-establish a feeling of connection with the wonders of the Universe in even to most cynical or world weary of individuals. It is useful for easing away fears and doubts and strangely, considering its dynamism, can be great comfort to those suffering from generalized anxiety. This may be because Moldavite acts as a “clearing” stone helping to bring mental sharpness and acuity, thus enabling the person who may be experiencing worries over money, for example, to come up with solutions to their problems.  If you feel that you need help in adjusting to deep emotions or that you are a natural empath, Moldavite may well bring you comfort and relief.

K2 Stone

Named for the peak of the Himalayas, K2 Stone is similarly keen to help you climb to new heights. It is, in fact, a combination of stones fused together, and its coloring’s are like a bright summer sky. The blue spots are Azurite.  The blue Azurite really “pops” against the white and black granite. Some specimen even have very small dots of Malachite as well. Often called “K2 Jasper,” it’s not a Jasper at all – it is a granite.

This stone is said to amplify one’s ability to endure difficult conditions in life. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world can’t change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. K2 Stone increases one’s insight so that one is able to find answers to questions concerning issues in one’s life, it aids one’s intuition so that one is able to connect with the “all knowing” part of one’s being.



The essence of light and illumination makes Selenite a key crystal for anyone wanting to see the spiritual truth in things. This crystal can help to open your third eye chakra, and because of that, can lead you to some fascinating spiritual insights. This is a crystal of cleansing, both yourself and your surroundings. Many people look to place Selenite in their home or office to keep negative emotions and low vibration energies at bay. By keeping light and airy, you are often able to be your best self.

It Enhances clarity of the mind and concentration, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings and having a positive effect on the brain. It soothes the nerves and enhances willpower.


Sodalite unites logic and intuition together, bringing information from the higher mind to the physical level. This stone help in the seeking of truth making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. It can help clear electromagnetic energies from computers and other electronic equipment. Sodalite can also bring emotional balance and can be helpful in times of stress or panic. It helps to release our fears that hold us back from being who we truly are, promoting self esteem, self acceptance and self trust.