
Stone Effects:

Charoite is known as the transformer.
It helps you to take a fresh approach to old information and old patterns. Charoite stimulates your inner vision and spiritual insight. It helps you cope with sudden life changes.
Charoite cleanses the aura and stimulates feelings of unconditional love for yourself and others.
This stone brings spirituality onto the earth plane and raises the Earth energy to your crown chakra.​
It promotes awareness of realities greater than the material and physical body.


Stone Effects:

While not a true mineral due to their organic origin, pearls are globular cysts of calcium carbonate, Pearls bring centring and a calming reflection, as well as attune you to the ebb and flow of life. They promote faith, honesty, purity, wisdom, charity and personal integrity.  Pearls soothe and heal the negativity and struggle that occurs in your life be it occasionally or for a long period of time. Spiritually pearl soothes and heals the negativity and struggle in your life, by surrounding negative energy with Divine Light. This stone will dissolve  any negative energy sent to you by psychic attacks and repels psychic vampires. It moves negative attachments out of your aura then fills your aura with healing light.

Green Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Green tourmaline helps you improve your demeanor and attract new friends or a romantic partner. This stone reminds you that to bring more romance into your life, you must learn how to enjoy your own company. Determine what makes you happy and use this stone to attract relationships that will provide loving companions or a mutually satisfying romantic relationship. Green tourmaline brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It can help you to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful for countering a fear of change or balancing obsessive compulsive disorder in yourself or others.

Green tourmaline realigns your consciousness to recognize that receiving is not the same thing as taking. This stone reminds you to allow the good of the universe to flow through you. It helps people who are afraid to give, fearing that giving something away will leave them lacking. With this stone in hand, this belief in lack can be removed. Use this stone to strengthen your belief in the ever flowing abundance and infinite supply available to us all.


Pink Tourmaline

Stone Effects:

Pink tourmaline is a nurturing stone that helps you restructure your thought forms, or mental energy, into positive statements. It helps your raise your awareness enough to recognize the negative thoughts you carry around and then it assists in releasing them, Use pink tourmaline with the intention of receiving inspiration. This stone softens the thoughts you have about yourself and helps you treasure yourself with every thought your have. It is useful for balancing brain biochemistry to promote a balanced mental state.

The nurturing energy of pink tourmaline brings forward the vibration of the Divine Mother. Use it when you need to activate the ability to have mercy and compassion for yourself and others. Pink tourmaline activates your sacred heart, aligns your consciousness with the angels, and facilitates communication from the Ascended Masters.



Moldavite is seen as a stone of connectivity and carries an intense frequency that can be quite surprising to some people. Moldavite can be used to re-establish a feeling of connection with the wonders of the Universe in even to most cynical or world weary of individuals. It is useful for easing away fears and doubts and strangely, considering its dynamism, can be great comfort to those suffering from generalized anxiety. This may be because Moldavite acts as a “clearing” stone helping to bring mental sharpness and acuity, thus enabling the person who may be experiencing worries over money, for example, to come up with solutions to their problems.  If you feel that you need help in adjusting to deep emotions or that you are a natural empath, Moldavite may well bring you comfort and relief.


The essence of light and illumination makes Selenite a key crystal for anyone wanting to see the spiritual truth in things. This crystal can help to open your third eye chakra, and because of that, can lead you to some fascinating spiritual insights. This is a crystal of cleansing, both yourself and your surroundings. Many people look to place Selenite in their home or office to keep negative emotions and low vibration energies at bay. By keeping light and airy, you are often able to be your best self.

It Enhances clarity of the mind and concentration, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings and having a positive effect on the brain. It soothes the nerves and enhances willpower.