Herkimer Diamond

A Herkimer diamond is a beautiful double terminated quartz crystal that can be found in Herkimer village, New York.

You may not believe this, but this gemstone is almost five hundred million years old! It’s not actually a real diamond, but it resembles it because of its clarity and magnificent geometrical shape.The Herkimer diamond is also known as the Stone of Attunement because it can help you attune to any situation or environment.

It can give you a sense of peace and serenity in this loud and crazy world. It will encourage you to do more of the things that make you feel alive, young, light, and free. It will clear the blockages in your aura so that the positive energies will start to flow in. Balancing body, mind and spirit so beautifully is definitely one of the greatest gifts of the Herkimer diamond.

Aqua Aura Quartz

When you first lay eyes on the aqua aura quartz, you cannot help but be enchanted by its shimmering iridescence.

Aqua Aura is called both a success stone and an abundance stone. It is said to attract success to all who use or carry it, and help them understand that it is indeed success. If you have always found it a struggle to verbalize your thoughts, or to speak up when the opportunity is right there in front of you, aqua aura quartz can help you communicate effectively. It will give you the inner truth that you seek. Some people spend a lifetime coasting through their lives, wondering about truths about themselves but never having the courage to uncover them.

Aqua aura quartz can help you access the truth of your emotions. It can also help balance emotional extremes, making sure that your emotions are aligned and cleared.


Lodolite is a kind of included quartz that has different color and type inclusions. These inclusions often look like underwater scenes, landscapes, and gardens. Lodolite is also known as Inclusion Quartz, Lodelite, and Lodalite.

​Phantom Quartz Crystal is considered a Master Crystal because of it’s unique ability to represent the separate and unique lifetimes of the one quartz crystal, it’s regressive properties and the ability of life after death.

Lodolite is usually used in meditation. Its powerful but soothing energies can instantly put you in a deep meditative state. It will bring energies of manifestation in your life so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s desires, Lodolite will bring loving energies in your life. Lodolite will weed out the negative thoughts and feelings and put your heart and mind at ease.

Black Tourmalated Quartz

Tourmilated Quartz encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels. The combination of clear quartz with its strong vibration enhances the energy of the black tourmaline, giving tourmalated quartz a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being a potent psychic protection stone.

This distinctive stone has strands and streaks of Tourmaline in the body of the Quartz, and it likewise combines clarity and strength in one handy package. This crystal will amplify your natural energies to bring about your best self, but also allow you to reflect on yourself and your own needs and desires.

Through these discoveries, you will feel emboldened in following your life path with renewed passion. Tourmalinated Quartz encourages you to be independent, but also to know who you can rely on when you’re in a pinch.


Stone Effects:

Lepidolite is a crystal of progress, but also a crystal that reminds us that progress takes time. It’s also sometimes uncomfortable, or relies upon that which is old or outdated being destroyed or left behind.

The bigger picture is brought into focus when you work with the healing energies of Lepidolite. It will give you the power to take a step back and observe life’s course from afar, as well as taking heart in the knowledge that any discomforts in your journey today are only temporary.


Stone Effects:

Encourages being true to the self, trust in the universe, and letting go. Helps to heighten your courage when you are headling grief and is powerful with assisting self-healing. Signifies friendship. Aquamarine purifies the body and enhances clarity of mind with its gentle and compassionate energy. It helps bring closure to unresolved situations. It is especially good for sensitive people promoting self courage, elevating fears and phobias. Aquamarine is an excellent stone for meditation, calming and balancing the physical, emotional and mental aspects. Aquamarine encourages light heartedness and a happy, relaxed disposition, which is due to all that you undertake developing quickly and smoothly.