Lemurian Seed

Stone Effects:

Leumarian Seeded crystals are said to have been used in the ancient culture of Leumaria, holding ancient knowledge and wisdom from the past bringing it into the present to awaken our spirit. Leumarians hold a blessing of unconditional love as the earth enters into a new vibration, they show us how to move beyond boundaries and learn about ourselves from the past, reawakening the spirit and giving us self belief so that we can reach our full potential. They are excellent healers, used for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Lemurian Seed Crystal holds and transmits a very special kind of vibration. It’s believed to be sent to Earth by the High Priestesses of Lemuria, the lost and sacred land which existed millions of years ago. There’s no physical proof that such a land existed, but the legends remain that their civilization was for more advanced, and the Lemurians possessed a much higher consciousness.


Shungite is a dark stone, but also one that has been attributed to countless healing possibilities. One of the more interesting of these is the detoxifying properties of the crystal, meaning that poor lifestyle choices can be fought back against a little by this stone. Of course, the crystal also helps you have the self discipline to stick with a healthier lifestyle altogether. There is an element of purity to Shungite that can help you to recognize the means by which to keep things simple when you need to.

Shungite is very old, ancient in fact, said to be around 2 billion years old. It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and using it may bring you a variety of blessings. This is an amazing stone, and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is one of the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti oxidants.The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.


Moldavite is seen as a stone of connectivity and carries an intense frequency that can be quite surprising to some people. Moldavite can be used to re-establish a feeling of connection with the wonders of the Universe in even to most cynical or world weary of individuals. It is useful for easing away fears and doubts and strangely, considering its dynamism, can be great comfort to those suffering from generalized anxiety. This may be because Moldavite acts as a “clearing” stone helping to bring mental sharpness and acuity, thus enabling the person who may be experiencing worries over money, for example, to come up with solutions to their problems.  If you feel that you need help in adjusting to deep emotions or that you are a natural empath, Moldavite may well bring you comfort and relief.


Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, it works on all areas of the mind and body increasing energy and clarifying thought processes. It is known as the bringer of light and is excellent for meditation, directing energies with more intensity allowing you to connect to your high self and seek out our spiritual purpose. Helps clear and protect your aura. Labradorite stimulates intuition, raising the consciousness and connecting to the universal energy. It is a stone of transformation, reflection and showing true intentions.

This is not a very common phenomenon and there a few different names for this exhibition, adularescence, labradorescence and aventurescence are long and difficult to say so someone come up with the ‘Schiller effect’ from an old German word meaning sparkle, twinkle or play-of-color.

Most Labradorite have a dark base color with blue, green, yellow or red the most likely colors to be on display. Gold, purple, teal, orange can also appear and the examples with strong color showing or a whole rainbow of colors are the most sought after.