
Shattuckite is a stone that can help you process spiritual information, enhance your general well-being, and work on your inner strength.

It’s a very spiritual stone that is closely connected with psychic information and clarity. It also has strong protective powers that can guard you against physical or psychic harm. It’s a strong psychic communication stone that can build a powerful connection between you and your spirit guides, as well as your loved ones who have passed away.

It can help you establish peaceful, loving, and harmonious relationships. Shattuckite will work like a sounding board. You can tell this stone everything that’s bother you or worrying you. It will enlighten your mind and help you come to the right decision.

This stone will influence you to speak from the heart. No need to hide what you’re feeling because it will manifest in your words, thoughts, and actions, anyway. It can bring courage and inner strength


Stone Effects:

Kunzites loving energies supports the health of your physical heart as well as your general health. With this stone in hand, imagine love vibrating in every cell, bone and muscle in your physical body. This practice amplifies the level of healing for yourself and others. Kunzite helps relieve stress related diseases. Kunzite helps you attract healthy romantic relationships as well as supportive loving friendships and good business colleagues. It encourages kindness, compassion and tolerance. Kunzite relieves stress and worry and helps relieve depression and anxiety. Use kunzite when you need to discover how to nurture yourself. This is the perfect stone to help you realise how you want to be loved and how to nurture yourself. When you learn these two things, you begin to attract others who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. Kunzite assists you in releasing resistance to life, and helps you to become more receptive to experience love and energy.


Stone Effects:

Tanzanite will help you get to know yourself on a deeper level. It will allow you to discover the depth of your existence and break away from the mold. This will promote a strong sense of self-control.

Tanzanite will support you in looking beyond the limitations and boundaries to truly answer the call of your heart. This stone will also encourage you to harness your inner strength. It will promote stillness, and it will help you undergo a purification of sorts. It’s a stone that will align the heart and the mind. Tanzanite will make a harmonious connection between what your heart desires and what your mind wants to achieve. All your bad experiences can still be good experiences when you look at them from a different light.

Abalone Shell

Alongside its wonderful ocean like colors, Abalone Shell is a protective stone, not least since it serves this same literal function in nature. At times when your confidence seems to abandon you, or you feel unsafe, reach to your Abalone Shell for comfort and guidance.

This makes this stone a popular one in overcoming anxiety, but also in staying true to oneself – especially in matters of the heart. If you sometimes find that fear and self sabotage is getting in the way of your relationships, this might be the stone for you.


Stone Effects:

Garnet is most popular for being a rich red color, and similarly, this crystal can awaken red hot passion. This isn’t just steered towards love, though, but also passion for anything else in life that you love – art, work, fitness, or hobbies.

Garnet helps to encourage you to make the most of every day, and it can help to heal you physically so you have the health and energy to do just that. If your life has felt a little stuck in a rut, gemstone can motivate you to shake things up in a positive way.


Stone Effects:

The sweet cotton candy color of Rhodochrosite is a good indicator of how this crystal is seen as something of a treat, it’s a stone about being good to ourselves, and remembering that we are worthy of love.

Rhodochrosite meaning is all about love. Love of oneself, love of others, spiritual love, love of Mother Earth and universal love are all at the heart of rhodochrosite meaning. This deep pink to red gemstone resonates with the heart to promote love of oneself. It helps heal old wounds so that you can love yourself again and feel worthy of the love of others. This beautiful deep pink stone is perfect for finding new love, renewing old love and making a new loved one feel confident in his or her place in the relationship.

If you have been putting your needs on the back burner for so long that you no longer know just how to make yourself happy, this crystal can help you. It will remind you of all the little things you love, and give you the means to connect with them and make yourself just a little more upbeat and ready to take on life’s challenges.


Stone Effects:

This crystal is one that give you insight into life’s patterns, and helps you to recognize that sometimes you have to plant seeds well ahead of their harvest to make the most of things, Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart, grounding energy to help one to achieve their potential.

It can guide you intuitively when it comes to making investments or planning a career path, and can also help you to choose a long term partner with whom you can go the distance. However, when unexpected events occur, this crystal also helps you to not give up on things so easily, and stay the course. Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. It grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.


Rose Quartz

Unconditional love knows no limits, as Rose Quartz and its energies know all too well. This crystal is not only symbolic of romance, but also the love of family, of one’s career, or even love of life itself. If you’ve been feeling down of late, this influence is very much appreciated! This stone also encourages the emotions that go had in hand with love, such as kindness and forgiveness. If you are looking to heal differences of opinion, or rifts in otherwise close relationships, this crystal can really help out. Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, infinite peace and compassion. It creates harmony in relationships and teaches us about the true essence of love. It purifies and opens up the heart allowing us to express our emotions. It reduces stress and tension, allowing us to express love, sensitivity and compassion towards ourselves and others. Rose Quartz brings a deep inner healing, enhancing self love, self trust, self worth and self confidence. It can be used to attract love into your life and maintain happy loving relationships.


Stone Effects:

Although it may seem a simple pale green stone at first appearance, Chrysoprase has a lot of hidden depths. In fact, it could be said that this is one crystal that’s ideal for getting to the bottom of some of yours, too,It helps you overcome compulsive and impulsive behaviours.

Chrysoprase helps you accept yourself as you are and doesn’t judge others, It helps you feel forgiveness and compassion,this stone soothes heartache and loneliness. It promotes emotional balance and helps in conflict resolution, encourages inner peace and inner strength when facing real emotions. Chrysoprase helps you to open and heal old emotional wounds, grief and trauma. This stone reduces fear and replaces it with unconditional love.

This is a stone of truth and illumination, meaning that not only will you see behind the lies of other people, but also stop kidding yourself in certain areas of life too. And thanks to the strong themes of forgiveness and love that run through this crystal’s energies, it’s wonderful for healing and overcoming difficulties.