
Stone Effects:

This crystal is one that give you insight into life’s patterns, and helps you to recognize that sometimes you have to plant seeds well ahead of their harvest to make the most of things, Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart, grounding energy to help one to achieve their potential.

It can guide you intuitively when it comes to making investments or planning a career path, and can also help you to choose a long term partner with whom you can go the distance. However, when unexpected events occur, this crystal also helps you to not give up on things so easily, and stay the course. Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. It grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.


K2 Stone

Named for the peak of the Himalayas, K2 Stone is similarly keen to help you climb to new heights. It is, in fact, a combination of stones fused together, and its coloring’s are like a bright summer sky. The blue spots are Azurite.  The blue Azurite really “pops” against the white and black granite. Some specimen even have very small dots of Malachite as well. Often called “K2 Jasper,” it’s not a Jasper at all – it is a granite.

This stone is said to amplify one’s ability to endure difficult conditions in life. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world can’t change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. K2 Stone increases one’s insight so that one is able to find answers to questions concerning issues in one’s life, it aids one’s intuition so that one is able to connect with the “all knowing” part of one’s being.