
Variscite is an excellent stone to use because of its soothing and clarifying properties. It will stimulate healing on both the physical and light body.

It has the ability to align and balance your connection to your body, mind, and spirit, and will show you how you can harness your personal power by focusing on your strengths, and by turning your weaknesses into more strengths! this stone will help you get rid of bad habits. It will make you accept certain difficult truths about yourself so that you can achieve complete healing and transformation.

People will disappoint you and hurt you, and when they do, you have nothing to worry about because you know that you can manage. You possess courage and inner strength.,this stone will make sure that you know.

It will promote fearlessness, endurance, and power. You will have a live and let live attitude.


Kyanite instantly aligns the chakras and subtle bodies which clears the pathways and meridians. Kyanite does not hold negativity so it never requires cleaning.  Kyanite shows you that you take part in creating the causes and the measures required from you to balance the past with the now and the future. Kyanite helps balance yin and yang energy.​
All Kyanite varieties harmonise well with one another, and it is highly recommended to use them in combination. They can magnify each other’s effects, calling forth more of the best of what each stone has to offer, Kyanite can aid in breaking those patterns, helping you to quickly create new pathways of energy flow and bringing immediate shifts in your perception of the world.
Kyanite leads to a calming effect on the inner world of images and stirred up emotions. It encourages a pleasant, peaceful nature and liberates you from frustrations and stress.
This stone encourages you to speak your truth by cutting though fears and blockages.


Peridot is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot is a crystal that radiates light, and with it, a sense of positivity and plenty. This is a stone of abundance, and it can likewise help to turn your thinking around if you often find yourself stuck in a kind of scarcity mentality.

Peridot has qualities of healing and inspiration that make it very popular among creative thinkers, but also a practical side that means that those looking for solid solutions can embrace its approach. This stone works closely with your heart chakra and helps you to find balance between doing for others and looking after yourself in as effective a way as possible.

Black Tourmalated Quartz

Tourmilated Quartz encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels. The combination of clear quartz with its strong vibration enhances the energy of the black tourmaline, giving tourmalated quartz a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being a potent psychic protection stone.

This distinctive stone has strands and streaks of Tourmaline in the body of the Quartz, and it likewise combines clarity and strength in one handy package. This crystal will amplify your natural energies to bring about your best self, but also allow you to reflect on yourself and your own needs and desires.

Through these discoveries, you will feel emboldened in following your life path with renewed passion. Tourmalinated Quartz encourages you to be independent, but also to know who you can rely on when you’re in a pinch.

K2 Stone

Named for the peak of the Himalayas, K2 Stone is similarly keen to help you climb to new heights. It is, in fact, a combination of stones fused together, and its coloring’s are like a bright summer sky. The blue spots are Azurite.  The blue Azurite really “pops” against the white and black granite. Some specimen even have very small dots of Malachite as well. Often called “K2 Jasper,” it’s not a Jasper at all – it is a granite.

This stone is said to amplify one’s ability to endure difficult conditions in life. Sometimes all the energies and crystals in the world can’t change a bad situation as immediately as we need, and so we instead need to endure a process through to its completion before we can end it. K2 Stone increases one’s insight so that one is able to find answers to questions concerning issues in one’s life, it aids one’s intuition so that one is able to connect with the “all knowing” part of one’s being.


Red Jasper

The rich color of this stone is largely associated with the Root Chakra – the very chakra that binds each of us to the physical world. However, at a more accessible level, this crystal is one that reminds you to take good care of yourself day to day. Red Jasper represents the earth and is a grounding stone that promotes stability and balance in life. It warms and enlivens the will and enhances courageous and dynamic energy that sustains and supports in times of stress. Red Jasper brings tranquility and wholeness into your life, gently stimulating your energy, helping you to face your problems, taking away your worries and calming the emotions.

Red Jasper and its energies are inherently nurturing, and they encourage you to cut yourself some slack if things are going wrong or if you make lapses in judgment. Similarly, if you have been unwell, the energies of this stone can help you to make a faster recovery.


Despite its perhaps provocative name, Bloodstone is very much on your side, as you’ll discover if you start working with it for crystal healing. It can help to alleviate all kinds of physical pain and injuries, as well as enhance effective circulation of both the bloodstream and your spirit body’s energy centers.

They inspire courage to help one stay true to his or her personal spiritual beliefs but keep one well-grounded in reality. Bloodstone will enhance insights, inspire intuitiveness and impart a more transcendent understanding of one’s spiritual beliefs, the universe and the divine. It encourages sacrifice for the benefit of others and one’s self, inspiring a more altruistic state of mind.

Bloodstone is very protective of the soul, keeping one safe while exploring and strengthening spirituality. It inspires confidence in one’s beliefs by removing any sense of confusion or uncertainty.