Moldavite & Tourmaline raw pendant
Potent, inky black, and with strong grounding forces, this jet colored stone is known for being a swallower of negative energies. It effectively helps the wearer be absolved of dark feelings, turning these anxious vibrations into a positive spin that nurtures the soul. Keeping you tethered at all times is an amazing way to keep your root chakra ready and clear, meaning that you can bask in the brilliance of self-confidence, feel connected to those around you, and make decisions based on need, not fear.
Moldavite helps you improve other relationships beyond your romantic ones. It brings you a greater awareness, compassion, and empathy. Moldavite encourages you to see the big picture in life and to appreciate the small moments while you’re at it. That means being grateful for the special people who currently inhabit your world.
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